Welcome to Rafting Adventure

Contact Us: +54 294 4437238

Frequently asked questions
Information to evacuate all your doubts

A suitable equipment allows you to enjoy the excursion to the fullest, in a safe and reliable way. Each and every one of the parts that compose it fulfill a specific function and protect you during the descent down the river. So you can make the most of this experience, having good equipment is not an optional, but a basic requirement.

The neoprene team is one of the fundamental elements in the practice of Rafting. Its main function is to allow your body to maintain, regulate and avoid any sudden changes in its temperature, regardless of environmental conditions. This equipment allows to dissipate body heat in high temperatures or during physical activity, and keep it stable when it is cold or while swimming in the river. In Rafting Adventure we use European equipment that meets the highest international quality standards, to make sure you do your best adventure with the technical equipment you deserve.

Not knowing how to swim is not an impediment for you to enjoy this trip. Remember that, among the equipment we deliver to each passenger, a life jacket is included that will prevent you from diving underwater, even if you want to do it. Each of these vests was tested and approved by the Argentine Naval Prefecture. In addition, during the descent, a professional guide will be at your side at all times, and also a safety kayaker will follow your raft permanently.

The self-assessing floor is a very important design improvement in modern rafts. Its function is to drain all the water that enters the boat during the trip, and is a mandatory requirement to navigate certain sections of the river. That way you avoid that your feet are in direct contact with the cold water during the whole trip and that the raft accumulates water inside generating an increase of its weight and a greater difficulty for navigation.

There is no restriction to do our excursions, except for the regulations in force regarding the ages: be older than 5 years to do Family Rafting and over 14 for Rafting to the Limit. In Rafting Adventure we are especially careful with this aspect since, for us, your safety is above all.

It is not necessary that you have any previous experience to be able to make our excursions. Our team of professional guides will ensure that you enjoy a day of pure fun, as if you were a true “Rafting veteran”. They will accompany you at all times so that you feel totally safe, and live this outing as the best of your vacations.

In each of our excursions we will deliver all the necessary equipment to practice this adventure. Anyway, we recommend that each one carry some personal effects so that they can enjoy the most. We advise you to bring: a towel, extra shoes (that can get wet), a coat on cold days and a bathing suit.

Rafting is an activity that can be done with rain and does not represent a problem for the development of descents. Also, remember that the wetsuit will warm you and protect your body from any climatic reality.

Our company is open all year to answer questions, make budgets, etc. The period of operation for individuals is from September to May, and from July to May for the attention of groups, students and companies.

Any questions or queries please contact our customer service This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rapid Contact



Where we are

Rafting Adventure Bariloche

Francesco Perito Moreno 30

R8400 San Carlos de Bariloche

Rio Negro - Argentina

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